Change in Management at VINCORION

Wedel. Technology company VINCORION is setting the course for the future, with Kajetan von Mentzingen being appointed Management Spokesman with immediate effect and taking over the areas of operational responsibility held by Dr. Stefan Stenzel, who is retiring on May 31, 2024, after over a decade of success in his role.

“We are delighted that Kajetan von Mentzingen is taking on this new challenge,” says Tobias Seige, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the VINCORION Group, “He has extensive experience in the industry and has already worked closely with Dr. Stenzel in the past. We are convinced that he will successfully lead VINCORION into the future in conjunction with Dieter Holst.”

The Success Story Continues

Kajetan von Mentzingen is highly enthusiastic about his new duties: “I feel greatly motivated to take on this responsibility and continue the success story of the VINCORION Group together with Dieter Holst and the entire team. We will continue to focus on our core competencies and support our customers with innovative and tailored solutions.”

Dr. Stefan Stenzel is handing over his position in good conscience: “I am proud to have had an influence on the company over the past twelve years. Working together with the team, VINCORION developed into one of the leading providers of military energy systems and products for the aviation industry. I would like to thank all employees for this and wish Kajetan von Mentzingen and Dieter Holst all the best for the task ahead of them.”

“Over twelve years, Dr. Stefan Stenzel left a lasting influence on our company and, by applying foresight, made it what it is today,” says Tobias Seige. “We give him our deepest thanks for this lifetime achievement and wish him all the very best for his future,” he continues, “We are carrying out a seamless change in the management and believe that Kajetan von Mentzingen and Dieter Holst make a strong management team to continue the VINCORION growth strategy.”

Dieter Holst, CFO


Von Mentzingen emphasizes, “VINCORION has a great footing for the future. We are continuing to invest in new technologies and processes to strengthen our competitiveness and drive our transformation,” adding that the transition will go seamlessly for all customers and suppliers as well as the employees. “Being able to respond to change flexibly is one of VINCORION’s strengths,” the manager says.

About Kajetan von Mentzingen

Kajetan von Mentzingen has many years of experience in the industry. Before his move to VINCORION, he held a variety of leadership roles at well-known companies, such as the Airbus Group starting in 2008. During his career at Airbus, the 50-year-old worked in both the Civil Aviation and the Helicopter divisions as well as in Defence and Space. After multiple positions in Germany, France, and Spain, he most recently held the title of Global Head of Quality at Airbus Defence & Space before joining VINCORION in 2023, where he took over Aviation within the management team.

Media Contact:
Florian Hanauer
VINCORION Advanced Systems GmbH
Feldstrasse 155
22880 Wedel, Germany
Tel. +49 4103 60-2250


VINCORION is a technology company that specializes in innovative power systems for safety-critical applications, including generators, electric motors, and drives, gensets, power electronics, and hybrid power systems. As a partner to the civil aviation, security and defense, and rail industries, VINCORION develops and manufactures solutions tailored to its customers’ specific requirements on the basis of an in-depth dialog. A high-performance customer support team provides assistance and service to users of the company’s own products and those from third parties throughout the entire product life cycle.

With approximately 800 employees at sites in Germany, and the United States, VINCORION generated revenues of approximately 163 million euros in 2023.

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